Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Story Of Shoes

So even though I've been insanely stressed out with projects this semester I decided that I really wanted to direct the music video for my experimental film class. I quickly learned that this was probably not the smartest decision in the world, but I knew that I am really good at envisioning things when I listen to music. So I figured it wouldn't be that hard to direct it--boy was I wrong.

So first off my teacher required us to get an actual signed permission form. Well I thought maybe she would be lenient on this and allow getting permission over the internet. So I asked the artist I wanted to use over twitter and she was fine with me using the song. Unfortunately that wasn't good enough for my teacher. So I went back and tried to contact the artist over facebook to see if she could fax me a signed paper. She never replied to me.

So then I went to her producer. He then told me that I had to get permission from the label. So I looked up the label and e-mailed them. I actually ended up trying 2 different people's e-mails in an attempt to get this released. I had no luck with either. At this point I was getting really frustrated. I really wanted to use that specific song because I had a vision for it and it really was a meaningful song for me.

So in my haste to find a song in the 2 days before filming I ended up e-mailing maybe around 10 different bands in an attempt to find one that would sign the song to me. Only one band messaged me back and they were unable to actually get me a signed paper. So then I was pretty much freaking out. 1 day before shooting and I still didn't have a plan.

At that point I did the last option I had. I looked at the website one of my classmates had given us for bands who would be wiling to sign permission. I had a hard time finding a song that I actually could see a vision for. Finally I found one. Immediately the first time I heard it all I could picture in my head was a shot of a closeup of someone walking in converse. I have no idea why that popped into my head, but I just went with it.

So my group and I have been filming different shots of shoes. It's been rather interesting I think. It's almost like we're telling the story of shoes. The piece is going to be mostly closeup shots on shoes and a couple of pretty nature shots thrown in there. I think it will work out really well. After all my hard work I really hope that it will turn out nice. I feel like it will turn out really cool and very experimental.

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