Thursday, August 26, 2010

Filmmakers Statement

(this was done for a class, and I do not like it, nor do I feel like writing a new one.)

Not only an I a filmmaker, but I’m a photographer, and a horse back rider. I ride horses for the equestrian team on campus. I also help photograph some of the events on campus. I love being able to capture the little moments in a photograph, or video.
I first really began to get into film in high school. I began taking small clips of my friends, and then edited them together to music. After that I really began thinking that I wanted to make movies. I loved the ability to take random clips and piece them together like a puzzle.
I’m hoping to learn a lot of the Film Studies program at Wilmington. I want to learn how to make great films that will make people feel things. I want to learn about the different jobs there are in film, and how all of them work together to create a masterpiece.
My favorite director is Tim Burton. His movies are all very unique and different. They are all very stylized and artistic. Each one is like a new piece of artwork. Everything in is movies are well thought out and done for a reason.
There are so many great films it’s hard to pick only a few to talk about. Some of my favorites are “The Illusionist,” “A Beautiful Mind,” “Seven Pounds,” and “Brothers.” I love “The Illusionist,” because it really twists the ending. I love the way it creates suspense, and then throws a surprise ending at you. “Seven Pounds,” is another movie that surprises you at the end. “A Beautiful Mind,” is an amazing film that I have come to really find interesting. They used highlights to show the genius of the main character, John Nash. I like the movies that really make you think, and make you want to talk about then in the end. “Brothers,” is a very recent favorite of mine. I felt really connected to the characters, and watching what they went through made me really feel how the characters would feel. I really think that the film successfully creates a connection between the characters and the audience.
I think my favorite kinds of films are definitely dramas, romances, and independent films. I love some of the mysteries in dramas. Many of the independent films are very different from most films. I like a film that stands out, and doesn’t have the typical cliché story. I love movies that are inspiring, and make me want to do something great.
I feel that I can write very well. I’ve been writing stories for a long time, and one of my greatest strengths in writing is writing dialogue. Being a photographer is very helpful in looking for composition. I am often looking for composition in just every day objects. I also love music. I love movie soundtracks, and the way they help to create feeling in movies. I love putting video clips to music, and figuring what actions fit with the music, or figuring out what music fits with the action. I have written some poetry in the past, but not anything I would want to publish. I know that these things will help me a lot in film making.
If I were to make a documentary, I would want to do one of movie soundtracks. I’d love to interview some of my favorite composers such as Hans Zimmer, John Williams, Danny Elfman, and James Horner. They have made some of the most riveting, and emotional music I have ever heard. If I were to make an experimental film I might try to do something with animation, or something that used poetry to tell a story.
One film that I wish I could have worked on would have to be “The Illusionist.” I would have loved to see all the little details the director went through to make that film so great. I would have loved to see my name in the credits of that film.

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