Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Film Festival Nerves

So considering I was the director on a couple different films last semester, I definitely want to get my name out there. So now it's a matter of sending my film off to festival. All I can say is this-I'M NERVOUS! I worked so hard on these films, I love them. So I'm nervous about getting rejected from a film festival. Now, I know, I know... I need to have a thick skin if I'm in the art world, but I'm still nervous. I know there always going to be people who will hate my films. All I want to do is affect one person if I can with my film. If one person likes, I'll be happy.

My self portrait will not be going to festival. I don't feel that a festival is the right place for that film. I think people will not understand the film as I would want them to. So I've decided to do something a little more meaningful with it. I'm showing it to my eye doctors. Both of my eye doctors have been with me for as long as I can remember. They know me extremely well, and they know I have struggled with my eyesight for years. I want to see if they can help me set up a group of parents and children that I can talk to about my story, and maybe I can affect them in some way. I think if I can make a difference in someone's life with this film that would probably be the most amazing thing I could ask for. I've already talked to one of my doctors about the idea and he really was interested in it. I'm hoping to really make this work because I really think that it would benefit me as a person.

Now as for the music video I directed. That I have already started the process of submitting it to festival. I've only submitted to a small one that my school is putting on. I'm planning on submitting it to a few more. I'm really excited to see where that one goes. Now this one I don't think will effect as many people, but maybe one or two will think it's a cool film. I'll be so excited if someone thinks it's awesome. I worked really hard to pull that together, as you know from my previous posts about it, so I really want to see that go SOMEWHERE.

So as for this semester so far I've been put in a group to make a small documentary. I love documentaries so I think this is going to be fun. This class will get me prepared for the big documentary I plan on directing in the fall. Unfortunately I'm not the director on the small one, but I definitely plan on directing a much larger production in the fall. I'm already planning things now considering I already have an okay from the place I want to focus on.

Overall I feel like I'm actually starting to go somewhere. I feel like I'm doing something worthwhile. This is probably one of the best feelings in the world